Lino Strangis è da anni impegnato soprattutto nel campo della videoarte e delle installazioni multimediali come arte contemporanea e dall'inizio produce musica per le sue opere e quelle di altri autori ma anche per spettacoli teatrali e film cinematografici. Da qualche anno è fervida la sua attività live in cui si è specializzato nell'improvvisazione di musica elettronica sperimentale in relazione con video di ricerca realizzati anche in amimazione 2 e 3D oltre che con delle realtà virtuali metaforiche che l'artista e musicista produce personalmente. I suoi album sono concept frutto di varie sessioni di improvvisazione selezionati in base al tipo di ricerca sonora e metaforica che intendono approfondire. Nel corso degli anni questo artista ha sperimentato in molteplici direzioni e ultimamente è dedicato a una fusione di musica elettronica e post metal in chiave ambient/drone psichedelico come alchimia per provare a proporre una musica contemporanea che "pur essendo coraggiosa e libera nella realizzazione riesca ad essere coinvolgente e affascinante come esperienza sensoriale e semplicemente di ascolto.
Lino Strangis has for years been engaged mainly in the field of video art and multimedia installations as contemporary art and from the beginning produces music for his works and those of other authors but also for theatrical performances and film. For some years he has been living his live activity in which he specialized in improvising experimental electronic music in connection with research videos also created in 2 and 3D animation as well as with metaphorical virtual realities that the artist and musician personally produces. His albums are the result of various improvisation sessions selected based on the type of sound and metaphorical research they intend to deepen. Over the years, this artist has experimented in many directions and lately is dedicated to a fusion of electronic music and post metal in a psychedelic ambient / drone as alchemy to try to propose a contemporary music that "despite being courageous and free in the realization is able to be engaging and fascinating as a sensorial experience and simply listening.

Live e Multimedia Performance:
Altre musiche per altri mondi (Other musics for other worlds), multimedia performance
2019, Una notte al Museo del Risorgimento, Museo del Risorgimento, Torino
2019, Ronzii-Visioni Digitali, Stazione Leopolda, Pisa
2019, M.A.C.RO. - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma
2019, Klang, Rome
Microcosmi, show/multimedia performance (with Compagnia Stato Liquido)
Directed by Lino Strangis and Francesco Maccarinelli, Videography and music Lino Strangis, With Francesca Formisano and Francesco Maccarinelli
2018, Baruch Performing Arts Center, New York City
2017, Teatro Sala Uno (Rome)
Connessione post-organica nell'occhio del ciclone, virtual reality installation + live performance
2017, Over The Real 2017 - Festival di Videoarte di Viareggio, GAMC- GAMC - Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Rivelazione AntropoEccentrica, multimedia performance
2017, [.BOX] Videoart Project Space (Milano)
2017, Interno 14 (Rome) curated by Roberta Melasecca and
La teoria del terremoto perenne, multimedia performance
2017, GENE Video art itinerante, curated by Eureka! and in collaboration with C.A.R.M.A., Centro Culturale Gabriella Ferri, Rome
2016, Over The Real - Festival Internazionale VideoArte Viareggio-Forte dei Marmi, Villa Bertelli
2020: Indeterminazione della Presenza, Multimedia performance for the Exposição Virtual and Internacional Zonas de Compensação, Zonas de Compensação 7.0 de São Paulo (Brazil)
2020: Todi Festival, TodiOff 2020, multimedia performance / scenic restitution of the masterclass dedicated to intermediality and scenic writing in the contemporary performance theater of Lino Strangis, Palazzo del Vignola, Todi and live on Facebook on Todi Festival
2019: Shamans of digital era II edizione, multimedia performance, M.A.C.RO. - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma
2018: Festival Orizzonti Verticali - arti sceniche in cantiere, "Cariatide Canzone" by Carlo Quartucci e Carla Tatò, music and multimedia scenes by Lino Strangis, Piazza Pecori, San Gimignano (SI)
2017: The snake and the dancer -... A new origin by Lino Strangis presented on the occasion of the inauguration of 'Fondamenta gallery', curated by Inside Art magazine. Dancer and choreographer Vittoria Maniglio, actor Francesco Maccarinelli, live music by E.T.E.R.E. Project.
2016: All'ombra di Don Chisciotte e Verso Blow Up Pentesilea included Per Pasolini Aubade, video scenography / stage device and sound improvisation / live interactive virtual reality, Atelier Quartucci&Tatò, Teatro Argentina (Rome)
2015: Lino Strangis e My Cat is An Alien, sound improvisation + live interactive virtual reality, Festival internazionale di videoarte di Viareggio
2014: video scenography 75esimo Gala-concert organized by Conservatorio Nazionale del Kazakistan, Astana e Almaty, Kazakistan
2013: video scenography of Sueña Quijano, Carlo Quartucci e Carla Tatò, Torre di Mola, Formia
2013: video scenography of Sueña Quijano Ouverture, directed by Carlo Quartucci, with Carla Tatò, Teatro Palladium (Rome), Teatro India (Rome), Teatro stabile di Genova.
2014/2016: in E.T.E.R.E. Project (electronic, electroacoustic and digital experimentation group of free improvisation and simultaneous composition conceived and founded by Lino Strangis)
Digital music, video scenography, ideation and performance direction: Lino Strangis
Multimedia free improvisation performance:
2016, Mash Market - Viaggio attraverso l'Autoproduzione, Spin Time Labs, Rome
2016, Doctorclip-Roma Poetry Film Festival, Estate Romana, Teatro di Villa Torlonia, Rome
2016, RUFA-Rome University Of Fine Arts, Rome
2015, Centro Culturale "Gabriella Ferri", Rome
2015, Shamans of Digital Era, Estate Romana, Largo di Pietralata, Rome
2015, DAMS - Università degli Studi "Roma Tre", Rome
2015, AOCF 58-Galleria Bruno Lisi, Rome
2015, SpaziOxygene, Rome
2015, Brancaleone, Rome
2015, Museo Tolomeo, Bologna
Published music albums:
Underground transformations, published in 2023 by Elektramusic (Digital Album)
Along rough paths, published in 2023 by Elektramusic (Digital Album)
Logos & tyche, published in 2022 by TIBProd. Italy (Digital Album)
Godless Ritual Music, published in 2021 by Handmade Supernova (Vinyl and Digital Album)
Crossed flows at the gates of the big beyond, published in 2018 by Handmade Supernova (AudioCassetta e Digital Album)
The Sunrise of the Stonertronic Oracle, published in 2018 by Handmade Supernova (AudioCassetta and Digital Album) and by TIBProd. Italy (CD and Digital Album)
The Hypothesis of the Strange Matter, published in 2017 by TIBProd. Italy and Kappabit in the edition "Real virtuality - Opere e pensieri di un artista nell’era del software"
Neo-Futuristic Zen, published in limited edition in BAU – Contenitore di cultura contemporanea n.14 (2017) and published in 2018 by TIBProd. Italy (CD and Digital Album)
Oneiric Adagio, published in 2016 by Handmade Supernova (Digital Album)
Space trip to the mind, published in 2016 by Handmade Supernova (Digital Album)
Various Artists - Best of Ambient Music 2020, various artists published in 2020 by TIBProd. Italy (Digital Album)
The Best of Experimental Electronic 2018, various artists, published in 2018 by TIBProd. Italy (Digital Album)
Sequences and Structures Vol.3 - An Introduction to Contemporary Electronic Music, various artists, published in 2018 by TIBProd. Italy (Digital Album)
E.T.E.R.E. - The Massive Lightness of the Essence, produced and powered by Nevrasse independent sounds records NVSS003, Italy, 2016 (CD and Digital Album)
Articles and reviews (selection):
Musica Rituale Laica, Recensioni Altrisuoni, Vittore Baroni, Blow Up magazine, mensile #276, maggio (2021)
Lino Strangis: Partiture Spaziali e altre invenzioni, rubrica Cabinet of Curiosities, Vittore Baroni, Blow Up magazine, mensile #252, maggio (2019)
Lino Strangis - The Sunrise Of The Stonertronic Oracle, Michele Saran, OndaRock (2018)
Lino Strangis - Crossed Flows At The Gates Of The Big Beyond, Michele Saran, OndaRock (2018)
Some visions for sensitive ears – Lino Strangis, Flavio Talamonti, Urloweb (2016)
Musica per viaggi virtuali. ETERE Project, Vittore Baroni, Blow Up magazine, mensile #214, marzo (2016)
I suoni in movimento di Lino Strangis, Fabrizio Bordone, La Spezia Oggi News (2015)
Mattia Caroli & i fiori del male feat. E.T.E.R.E. live al DAMS di Roma Tre, Antonio Savino, Recensito – quotidiano di cultura e spettacolo (2015)
Jam Session con voci dal Brasile. E' la "Meta flux noise experience", La Nazione, 3 settembre 2014